How to Change Your Money Reality

Upcoming Workshops

December 3, 2016:  2-4:30pm (Live-stream with limited seating in Petaluma)

December 10, 2016: 1-3:30pm (In person only: Songbird Community Healing Center, Cotati)

January 28, 2017:  2-4:30pm (In person only: Songbird Community Healing Center, Cotati)

Find and clear your personal blocks to wealth.

It is easier than you think.fb-banner-no-words-web

Ask yourself: “What will my life be like in five years if I choose to take this workshop? What will my life be like in five years if I don’t?” Then choose what makes you feel the most expansive and light.

What would it be like to live where and how you would like to? What would it be like to simply purchase the quality food, furnishings and other material objects you are attracted to? What if having more money than you’ve ever dreamed possible was easier than you thought? What if your money flows allowed you change the world in ways beyond what you can even imagine now?

In this workshop, Dr. Dorena Rode will facilitate individualsmoney1-web and the group in order to find and clear your personal blocks to wealth and financial prosperity, so bring your issues. You will get practical tools that will allow you to create a different reality around money. Gain insight and inspiration. Leave with next steps to creating more abundance, ease and fun in your life.

You can read more on changing your money reality on Dorena’s blog:

Cost: $36 in advance/$40 at the event.

Register for the Money Class

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One thought on “How to Change Your Money Reality

  1. Pingback: My Money Reality | The Enlightenment & Simple Living Institute

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