The Body Process Cards are no longer available.

The Body Process Card Deck is a handy way to have the body processes with you wherever you be.  What else is possible for you using the body processes and this deck?

Would it be fun to have a client’s body choose a process by picking a card with the pictures face up and the words face down?

How would picking a card in the morning and letting the energy run throughout the day, or picking a card in the evening to run while you sleep contribute to you and your body?  What else is possible?®

These cards match the October 2017 manual and are available for direct sale to Body Process Facilitators.  If you are not a BPF, and are attending a body process class, you can purchase the cards from your facilitator or directly here if you provide verification from the instructor.

The written material in this deck is from the Access 3-Day Body Class Manual and other Access Consciousness materials.  It is protected under copyright:  ©Access LLC, Houston, TX, 2017 by Gary M. Douglas.  All Rights Reserved.

Cover art was created by Dorena Rode.  ©2017 Dorena Rode (art and format only)

The Body Process Cards are no longer available.